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Insights | 7/16/2023

World Youth Skills Day

Established in 2014 by the United Nations General Assembly, World Youth Skills Day celebrates the importance of equipping the younger generations with the skills necessary to gain employment and entrepreneurship. This year's theme is "Teachers, Trainers, and Youth for Transformative Future," highlighting the crucial role educators play in providing the skills young people need to actively engage in society.

World Youth Skills Day prompts us to reflect on the challenges faced by the younger generations. According to the World Bank's graphs based on ILO statistics, 15.3% of young people aged 15 to 24 are unemployed.

On this World Youth Skills Day, we renew our determination to invest more in the abilities and skills of our youth. When we do so, they can better advance the broader mission of the United Nations for peace, sustainable development, and human rights for all.

Ban Ki-moon, Former Secretary-General of the UN

Investing in education represents the ultimate goal of this day. The cognitive poverty present in the world largely depends on low economic availability: according to the "Illuminate the Future 2030" report, almost a third of students who fail to achieve basic educational knowledge come from impoverished situations within families with below-average levels of education. 24.7% of Italian 15-year-old students do not grasp the main concepts of mathematics, while 19.5% struggle with reading comprehension. Furthermore, among the countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Italy ranks 24th.


At Terranova, we have faith in the younger generations and strongly believe in their abilities. Each year, we hire graduates from schools, offering them a path for professional growth through significant training programs. Moreover, we provide a journey of personal development through courses dedicated to the development of soft skills and psychophysical well-being.

Environmental sustainability, social well-being, and fostering a safe and inclusive work environment are our official objectives since adopting the new status of a Benefit Corporation. Together with creating economic value, these goals underline our commitment to a holistic approach to business.

Francesco's Journey

One of the youngest members of the Terranova Team, Francesco joined Terranova shortly after completing high school. Francesco began working as a developer at the Grosseto office following an encounter with Terranova that took place right at his high school.


In addition to the goals of personal growth for our people, our statute also emphasizes the objectives of enhancing the realities of the third sector, the territory, and the environment. That's why we invest in solutions that have a positive impact on resource management, such as water resources.

Over the past few years, the health of our planet has been taking on an increasingly central role in our lives, to the extent that it influences decision-making processes within businesses and public entities. We are aware that the new generations entering the workforce are the strongest advocates for attention to these issues.

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