Terranova was a finalist in the Best Performer of The Year category of the prestigious Best Performance Award, an SDA Bocconi initiative that aims to reward the best companies that create economic, technological, human, social and environmental value, operating in an overall sustainable manner.
Terranova is therefore considered among the top 10 Italian companies.
The Best Performance Award is the annual prize dedicated to Italian companies that distinguish themselves for excellence in sustainable development understood in a broad sense, i.e. as the ability to do business while guaranteeing business continuity (a necessary condition) in respect of:
Among the thousands of Italian companies evaluated, Terranova was placed on the final short list of the six best companies in the Small Company category (15-50 million turnover), thus assuming a very prestigious position together with other Italian excellences. Our company was then considered among the best ten Italian companies in this edition.
"The recognition and attention we have once again received from SDA Bocconi is a great source of pride for us. Our choice to become a Benefit Company, together with our actions aimed at complying with all our objectives, which go beyond those of economic performance, has also found positive feedback on this occasion, in the various meetings, focus groups and interviews that have finally seen us take the stage together with the best Italian companies. Of this we are very proud”.
Alessandro Vistoli, CEO Terranova
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We’d be happy to talk more in detail about your needs and explore how we can become your ideal partner, to assist you in your business venture of innovation, digitization and sustainability