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News | 3/13/2024

Our events certified with low impact by ECOACTIONS Legambiente

In our commitment to environmental stewardship, also outlined in our Benefit Corporation charter, we have taken a further step by obtaining a green certificate for the events we organize.

We have thus obtained the Ecoactions certificate, which guarantees the low environmental impact of our events, certified by Legambiente, the largest Italian environmental association.

On Thursday, March 14th, the Green Forum event will be held at our auditorium in Verona, organized by our environmental division

This event aims to provide an overview of the waste sector, a complex industry that generates over 27 billion euros of shared value in Italy. Thanks to the process of digitalization, also based on artificial intelligence, the sector now has smart solutions for collection and sorting phases, as well as new processes for treatment and recovery of specific material flows.

Our event will feature speakers from the sector, such as Luca Mariotto, Director of the Environment Sector at Utilitalia, Edo Ronchi, President of the Sustainable Development Foundation, Giorgio Zampetti, Director of Legambiente, and many other guests.

Thanks to the ECOACTIONS certificate from Legambiente, we can demonstrate our dedication and constant commitment to implementing sustainable practices aimed at reducing our environmental footprint and promoting sustainability to create a positive impact on our territory

Among the topics of the Green Forum

PNRR and waste: from the National Waste Management Program to the national strategy

  • What are the waste streams and areas of the country to which the funds have been allocated?
  • Which facilities and with what technologies will be implemented?
  • Are the choices of facilities consistent with treatment needs?
  • How do the facilities funded by the PNRR fit within the current regulatory framework?

Italian models of separate waste collection and their results

The spread of the door-to-door waste collection system is "certified" through the differENTI platform, developed by CONAI, which collects key information on how local authorities implement the circular economy through separate waste collection and waste prevention initiatives: the analysis of the models highlights the results achieved.

Follow the event also via streaming

Did you know that...

One of our commitments as a Benefit Corporation is environmental protection. Recognizing the strategic role of the planet in the choices and implications of daily actions, we aim to identify and apply solutions aimed at promoting the use of renewable energy sources, eco-sustainability, and green mobility, as well as any other action aimed at achieving a constant reduction in environmental impact, with particular reference to the carbon footprint. We promote the dissemination of our values and objectives with collaborators, customers, and suppliers, pursuing sustainable development, also through the enhancement of territories and their economic and productive fabric.

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