One of the main topics moving the Smart Water Summit event is definitely innovation. Therefore, we chose to talk about our experience and present our proposal regarding one of most innovative topics in the market: artificial intelligence applied to the context of field activities in the water sector.
Artificial intelligence, in fact, is revolutionizing the management of water resources because it makes it possible to improve the resilience of the distribution network to achieve high levels of service continuity, contributing to energy efficiency.
Lucio Machetti, R&D manager and Line Solution Architect, explained in detail how, through advanced algorithms, it is possible to achieve an optimal distribution of activities, improvement of execution times and a consequent reduction of time and costs - which also benefits the environmental impact. Lucio also delved into the topic of predictive maintenance, which is based on the use of statistical models to predict the life time of elements of a system in order to make the work planning of intervention teams effective and timely.
In this sense Artificial Intelligence succeeds in optimizing maintenance operations, minimizing the use of resources and reducing the risk of failure.
The topic of field activity management was then explored more from our company's point of view by Carlo Vitali, Solution Specialist Owner, who first made a presentation of the context, explaining what needs distributors have with regard to the issues of sustainability, resource management and customer satisfaction. He then explained the need to make field activities more efficient and the importance of using software for Field Service Management (FSM).
In this instance, our answer to the needs of the market is the TWFM (Terranova Work Force Management) software solution, which was presented in greater detail during the final part of the talk.
It is in this platform that the AI algorithms presented at the beginning find a practical application, which enables optimal management of the active workforce on the ground. TWFM is therefore the tool for controlling the planning, coordination and execution of field operations: an innovative product to support water operators in the digitization process.
Want to know more?
We’d be happy to talk more in detail about your needs and explore how we can become your ideal partner, to assist you in your business venture of innovation, digitization and sustainability